ChessRally 2.1 Released
05:00am EST/GMT-5 February 15, 2002, Beaver Falls, PA - Ingenuware, Ltd. released the next major update to their ChessRally 2 product, version 2.1.  This new version contains fixes for several problems encountered by users, adds greater support for outgoing Email servers (SMTP), and also provides a more secure online playing experience with the "Online Rally Rooms" feature.

With a very successful launch of ChessRally 2 on January 22, Ingenuware has received rave reviews from the major download sites, including "Pick of the Week" status at CNET's, 5 Cows at TuCows with a glowing review (a truly high honor), and 5 Smileys at, also with a fabulous review.

While generally being a maintenance update, this new version's security enhancements prevent cheating online by restricting the type of data that can be entered into the chat window, and by allowing table hosts to evict problem players before they start a new game without the necessity of resigning.

For more information about this point release, please contact

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