Powerful Global Functions
Courtesy of ImpulseGlobals 3, FREE with ImpulseStudio 3, these functions will help you write Visual Basic code faster and easier than ever.  Simply set a reference to ImpulseGlobals 3 in your Visual Basic project, and this rich set of functions become part of your development environment!
Demo Screen Shot Component Name & Description
ImpulseData Global Functions
The ImpulseData global functions provide you with miscellaneous variable and data related functions.  These functions area globally available for your immediate use in Visual Basic, so you won't have to create your own object from this class.
ImpulseFilesAndFolders Global Functions
With these functions, you can parse file & folder names, create & move folders, test the existence of files & folders, and more!  These functions area globally available for your immediate use in Visual Basic, so you won't have to create your own object from this class.
ImpulseFormFunctions Global Functions
Manipulate your Visual Basic forms and other windows, retrieve default sizing information from Windows, and even create your own form shapes!  These functions are globally available for your immediate use in Visual Basic, so you won't have to create your own object from this class. 
ImpulseMiscellaneous Global Functions
Miscellaneous functions that empower you to create Visual Basic applications faster and easier.  These functions are globally available for your immediate use in Visual Basic, so you won't have to create your own object from this class.
ImpulseMultimedia Global Functions
Play Wave Files, System Sounds, MIDI tones, and "simulated PC speaker" Beeps using the ImpulseMultimedia functions.  These functions are globally available for your immediate use in Visual Basic, so you won't have to create your own object from this class.
ImpulseNumbers Global Functions
Convert between decimal, binary, octal, and hex with large integer (64-bit) values.  Convert to and from Roman Numerals.  Convert between Signed and Unsigned values.  Generate random numbers/character sequences.  These functions are globally available for your immediate use in Visual Basic, so you won't have to create your own object from this class.
ImpulseStrings Global Functions
Powerful conversion, generation, manipulation, and search functions for use with Visual Basic strings.  Code faster and easier with the ImpulseStrings functions.  These functions are globally available for your immediate use in Visual Basic, so you won't have to create your own object from this class.
ImpulseSystem Global Functions
Obtain system information, manipulate system settings, manipulate the mouse, work with the Windows Shell by executing both documents and folders, editing & creating Windows' shortcuts, and more.  These functions are globally available for your immediate use in Visual Basic, so you won't have to create your object from this class.
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All content on this website, including but not limited to text, graphics, art, source code, object code, is Copyright © 1999-2002, Ingenuware, Ltd.  All Rights Reserved.  Ingenuware™, ImpulseStudio™, ImpulseGlobals™, and ChessRally™ are Trademarks of Ingenuware, Ltd., 1997-2002.  Microsoft®, Windows®, and Visual Basic® are Trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.